2011年6月3日 星期五

Fish Diseases and What to Do About Them

Sometimes what we think is a disease when the fish get sick really isn't a disease at all. There are a number of ailments which are actually caused by poor water management and the fish would respond to the water condition just like a human responds to an allergy. There are however times when the sickness is caused by an actual parasite. What we will focus on in this article are the most common fish diseases and the steps that you can take to heal your fish.

Generally, the only way for external parasites and bacteria to get into the tank is from new fish that has been introduced into the aquarium. There is no other way for parasites or bacteria to get into your fish tank and infect your fish. Therefore, before introducing new aquatic life into the tank, check to ensure that it is healthy by doing the following basic steps:

Is the fish active?
Ensure that it is eating well.
Does it have scars, blemishes or spots?
Ensure that its fins are not clamped.
Are its gills a healthy pink?

These checks should actually be done at the pet store before you even think of purchasing the fish. Once you bring the fish home, the best practice is not to immediately place in into your fish tank. If would be better to isolate it in a quarantine tank for a couple of days first.

Never re-use the water that the fish came in from the store. In most stores, the tanks are linked to a central filter and disease can easily spread from one tank to another this way. Always use some of the water from your existing tank to acclimatize the new fish to your new tank water. This will ensure that it survives longer in its new environment.Doing all the above will guarantee that your existing fish will never be troubled by parasites or bacteria. But in the off chance that they do get infected, here are the solutions to the most common aquarium diseases.

Fin Rot

Fin Rot is caused by bacteria, making the fin look tattered and shorter than normal, occasionally with a white rim around the infection. The diseased fish needs to be kept away from the other fish in a quarantine tanks and treated with antibiotics which you can buy from a fish shop. You will also need to monitor the other fish and if all the other fish are also infected you will have to treat the entire tank with antibiotics.


Dropsy is also a bacterial infection and it causes the fish to look bloated until their scales stick out and sometimes flake. It also makes the fish very inactive. You will have to treat the infected fish with internal infection medication.


Hexamita is a common parasitic infection for Angelfish, Discus and Oscars. The parasite bores a pin sized hole in the head area of the fish. A mild infection causes the fish to swim in a drunken state and this infection must be treated as soon as possible as it can be fatal to the fish.

Skin and Gill Flukes

Another parasite infection which makes the gills stick out and causes the fish to swallow violently. This infection is also deadly and needs to be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible.


This very common parasitic infection causes the scales of the fish to seem as if it has been dusted with salt. It is very itchy and causes the fish to scratch itself against tank decorations. It is easily treated with Malachite Green but use it with caution because it is toxic to invertebrates.

These are a few of the most common diseases affecting fish tanks. Most fish diseases can easily be healed with treatments purchased from a fish store. That Fish Place is an online store that carries a good variety of fish medication.

To learn more about fish diseases and to enjoy great discounts on treatments from That Pet Place visit Fish Tank Filters at http://fish-tank-filters.org now.

